If the animal is injured
Kangaroos with leg fractures cannot be saved; they should be humanely euthanised as soon as possible (preferably via gun). If in the country, assistance may be received from nearby farmers, the police or shire Rangers. Alternatively, the Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 has access to trained volunteers through-out the State who will be able to expertly shoot the animal.
If the animal is dead
If you can safely move the animal, please move it off the road and onto the verge. Please check the underbelly for a pouch as this is where animals like kangaroos and possums carry their young. A bulge or movement inside a pouch may indicate live young. Gently remove the joey, taking care not to further injure the joey; it may be necessary to cut the pouch open; do not pull the joey off the teat, cut the teat off as far down as possible and leave it in the joey’s mouth.
In the case of smaller kangaroos, wallabies and possums it’s desirable, if possible, to leave the joey in the pouch and take the dead or dying mother with you until you get it to a Vet or a Wildlife Rehabilitator. Please take note whether there is a second elongated teat in the pouch; this indicates that the dead animal has another older joey at heel which will also need rescuing. Please report this to the Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 which may be able to arrange for the later rescue of the older joey.

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